Thursday, April 11, 2013

Colgate Optic White Oral Care Regimen

A few of the items in my Sugar N Spice Voxbox from Influenster were the items included in the Colgate Optic White Oral Care Regimen. This included the toothpaste, mouthwash, and a toothbrush! I have used the toothpaste and mouthwash before, but not the toothbrush. I hadn't used it in a while however because I only bought it the first time because I got it for free.
  Before I say what I think of it, I will give a brief history of my oral care. I got braces when I was 9 and didn't get them off until I was 16. The orthodontist I had did not do a good job cleaning my teeth during that time, and it is hard to get them as clean as they should be with just a toothbrush when you have metal covering the majority of your teeth. When he removed the braces, my orthodontist told me that the enamel on my teeth had been damaged from the glue as well as from the teeth not being able to be cleaned properly in 7 years. He told me I would always look the way it did and just to take care of them as well as I could.
 Since then, I have been very self conscious about my smile. I have always wanted to go have professional whitening done, but have never had the money to be able to do it! I have used whitestrips with little to no success, and they are pretty pricey as well.
 When I started using this toothpaste, I didn't have much hope of it working like it said it would. I have pretty much just come to accept that my teeth are going to stay this way.
  I have been using this regimen faithfully for the last 7 days and have seen an improvement in the color of my teeth. I am really hoping as a little more time passes that I get even better results! I am going to post a before and after photo, even though it makes me cringe to think of people looking at my teeth because even the after photo isn't great! I am going to continue using this until my free toothpaste and mouthwash is gone, and then I will post another update to see if they look even better then. I am hoping this will continue to whiten my teeth to help me not be as self conscious.  I don't expect it to work as well as a professional whitening, but hopefully it will return some self esteem when it comes to my smile because I love to laugh!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. HOpe it works for you. I'm totally embarassed by mine as well--which is why I am going to try the "oil pulling" method with coconut oil. You swish it for 15-20 minutes twice a day. Going to give it a month and see if there is improvement. I tend to be allergic to any kind of chemical product. GOOD LUCK!!
