Thursday, December 20, 2012

Private Selection Holiday Part 2

In my last post I mentioned all of the private selection items I got free in order to participate in this campaign for bzz agent. Well, I finally found the olives! I bought the garlic stuffed ones as they seemed the least scary. They are pretty good, but too much garlic just to eat. I chopped them and put them into spaghetti sauce and they weren't bad. Here is just a little funny story about the private selection greek yogurt. Steve went to the fridge and saw we had some yogurt, so he decided to have one as a midnight snack. When I woke up and went to the fridge to get something to drink, I saw the opened package of yogurt sitting on the top shelf. When he got up he asked me if the yogurt in the fridge was expired. I laughed so hard!! It was so gross to him that he thought it was expired yogurt. I explained to him that it was greek yogurt. He said, "from now on I will make sure I am eating the right yogurt".

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