Friday, December 9, 2011

Kroger's Private Selection Appetizer,Pizza, and Dessert!

My latest product test is a product that is exclusive to the Kroger family of stores. I got an appetizer, a pizza, and a dessert for FREE!!!
 I will start with the appetizer because generally you eat that first! :-) I wasn't really pleased with the selection of the appetizers. They all seemed like fancy food that would taste nasty. I finally settled on spinach and artichoke and eggplant and tomato tortilla cups. (Sounds appetizing,huh!) I cooked them in the oven for the exact time that was on the box. When I got them out the tops looked burnt,but the bottoms were still soft and doughy. I tried one of the eggplant ones because it looked the most tasty. IT WAS NOT! It was gooey and didn't really have much taste at all. It was pretty bland. Needless to say I only ate 1!
  Now on to the PIZZA!!! When I got the pizza out of the box all of the pearlini mozzarella cheese was in the center of the pizza. So, you know how when you get a frozen pizza out and all the pepperonis are all on one side, generally you can move them around to where you want them. Well, those cheese balls were NOT moving! So, I just stuck it in the oven the way it was. It tasted really good! (Other than all the cheese was in one place) However, I made the mistake of eating it while I was playing Modern Warfare 3. I learned the hard way that when the pizza starts to cool it doesn't taste nearly as good!!! So, i zapped it in the microwave and it was right back to delicious!
  And now for my favorite part!!!!!!!!!!! DESSERT!!! My kroger only had 2 choices for dessert, so I picked the apple crisp. SO DELICIOUS! I did it in the microwave instead of the oven. As with the rest of these, the time was not correct! When I got it out after 65 seconds it was still cold in the center so I stuck it back in for 20 seconds and it was perfect! It tasted just like home made!!!!
  I am not sure I would pay full price for any of these items, seeing as the appetizer was NOT appetizing, and I can get a large pizza for $2 cheaper at Little Ceasars, and I can make apple crisp at home! However, if I was going to buy one of them it would be the apple crisp just because it is so convenient to have it already made and you just have to zap it!

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