Thursday, December 20, 2012

Private Selection Holiday Part 2

In my last post I mentioned all of the private selection items I got free in order to participate in this campaign for bzz agent. Well, I finally found the olives! I bought the garlic stuffed ones as they seemed the least scary. They are pretty good, but too much garlic just to eat. I chopped them and put them into spaghetti sauce and they weren't bad. Here is just a little funny story about the private selection greek yogurt. Steve went to the fridge and saw we had some yogurt, so he decided to have one as a midnight snack. When I woke up and went to the fridge to get something to drink, I saw the opened package of yogurt sitting on the top shelf. When he got up he asked me if the yogurt in the fridge was expired. I laughed so hard!! It was so gross to him that he thought it was expired yogurt. I explained to him that it was greek yogurt. He said, "from now on I will make sure I am eating the right yogurt".

Monday, December 10, 2012

Old Navy sample and share for Crowdtap

As a member of crowdtap, I got to take part in the Old Navy style council sample and share. I got 2 coupons for free sweaters, one for me and one to give to a friend. I gave my 2nd coupon to my sis-in-law, Erika! I was so excited to get in on this opportunity! I love Old Navy and was so excited to get something from them for free! Especially a sweater, which comes in really handy when you live in Ohio! When I went to Old Navy, I was a little disappointed in the variety of sweaters they had available. There really weren't many styles to choose from, but they did have a wide variety of colors and prints for the styles that they did have available. Since I am nursing, I wanted a sweater with a high enough neck that I didn't have to worry about wearing a high necked camisole underneath. I ended up buying a red button up cardigan. I was really pleased with the high neck and the fit of the sweater! I love it! My sister in law ended up buying the same style cardigan in an animal print. It looks super cute on her! I think the sweaters are great and I know I will be wearing mine a lot!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Private Selection Holiday campaign

This is one of my most recent campaigns for bzz agent. I received a free package of water crisps, a coupon for a free jar of pasta sauce, a bag of coffee, and coupons for free deli sliced cheese, free olives, and cents off some greek yogurt. I used the pasta sauce to make spaghetti and meatballs since that is Steve's favorite dinner! I usually make my own sauce, but decided to give this a "go". It was very good! It had a better flavor than most jarred sauces, but I like chunky sauce and this was pretty thin. All in all it was pretty good, but I don't know if I would buy it again simply because of the price. Usually if I do buy pasta sauce, I buy the cheapest stuff and doctor it up to fit my tastes. I don't think I would pay the almost $3 price for this stuff. Next I tried serving the water crisps just with salsa. I LOVE chips and salsa, so I thought I would give these a try in place of my usual tostitos. They were very good! They were light and really didn't have much of a flavor, but that was good because the flavor from the salsa is plenty! Since,I got this box included already in my bzzkit, I don't know what the price is for these. I prefer saltines though, and those are really cheap! The coffee was pretty terrible. It was a costa rican blend. It was good when I first took a drink, but then it left a terrible after taste. I had to wash my mouth out with mouthwash after taking a couple of drinks because it was so awful! I wouldn't serve it to anyone else because I didn't like it. So, I didn't feel like I could force it on anyone else. I decided for my free cheese to get the garlic herb cheese. When I noticed the price, I was shocked. It was almost $5 a package. There is no way I would spend that much money on cheese when I can buy regular slices for $ .99 a package. I tried the cheese for sandwiches. It tasted ok, but the herbs were a little over whelming. It was certainly not a mild cheese. It was difficult to get out of the package because of all the herbs in it. It was very, very crumbly which made it difficult to deal with. I also tried it on my hot dogs. It was ok, but nothing compared to my 2% milk american cheese. So, I think I will stick to my american cheese, thank you very much! :) I have yet to find the olives at my kroger. I am not a fan of olives, but would like to find them and give them to someone to try. Besides, they are free. So, hopefully I will find them soon. Finally, I tried the greek yogurt. I bought 2 different flavors. Cran-raspberry and Strawberry. I will say I am not a huge fan of greek yogurt. It makes my mouth dry and always makes me extremely thirsty. However, because of the added fruit on the side it added some moisture and made it very tasty. When the fruit ran out however, I found it difficult to finish the yogurt. I definitely think that it needs more fruit so you can have some with every bite of yogurt. These are kind of pricey for yogurt, and since Kroger rarely makes coupons for their own products I don't think I would be buying it again. I must say I really enjoyed this campaign. I got so many things for free and many things to try. I enjoy trying new foods and am looking forward to trying new Kroger private selection foods in the future.