Saturday, November 26, 2011

Kroger's "The Truly Awesome Homestyle Chocolate Chip Cookie"

The latest product test that I am supposed to be doing is for these Kroger brand homestyle chocolate chip cookies. The reason I say "supposed" to be is that I have not yet been able to find these cookies. Many other reviewers actually received boxes of these in their bzzkit, but mine have been loaded as coupons onto my shopper card. I have been to 2 Kroger stores and have not been able to find these cookies! The employees had never even heard of them. So, while I would love to be able to write a review on the cookie itself, it seems that I am forced to write a review on Kroger as a company. I have e-mailed Kroger via their website and have yet to hear back from them. When I do, perhaps I will be able to write a review on the actual cookies! And... You will be the first to know! :-)

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