Wednesday, September 26, 2012

UNREAL candy. Candy UNjunked

So, this bzz campaign was for Unreal candy. I had seen some of this candy in the store, but had never tried it. The kit included a coupon for a free bag and several buy 1 get 1 free coupons. The first candy bar I tried was the caramel/peanut/chocolate bar. It was pretty good! I was surprised at how many peanuts were in it. I kind of expected them to skimp on those. The chocolate tasted a little "off". Kind of like cheap chocolate from the dollar store. I liked it though, and for the right price I would buy it again. They are 1.19 at the local CVS, and that seems a little ridiculous for a candy bar. I saw it on sale though at Kroger for .88 and that isn't too bad. The next kind I tried was nougat/caramel/chocolate. This was pretty good as well, but not enough nougat. The big selling point they are trying to get across is that they have NO artificials, NO Hydrogenateds, NO corn syrups, NO preservatives, and NO GMOs. All of that stuff doesn't really matter to me. Maybe it should, but it doesn't! The one thing I like about these candy is the fiber and protein content. They have 4 -5 grams of fiber in them, and I like to eat a high fiber diet. So, in conclusion, I would probably buy these if they were on sale, but not at their regular price. I don't think they are worth 1.19 each. Try them and tell me what you think! :-)