Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Hangman's Daughter - free for my Kindle

So, the newest thing I was supposed to try out for bzzagent was this book as well as the sequel "The Dark Monk" I received both books for free, so even though I didn't think I would like the books, I figured that since they were free I would give them a try. I got through the third chapter of the book and found the first swear word. I wasn't impressed! I even told them that if the swearing continued I wouldn't finish the book. Well, I was able to get several more chapters before finding another swear word. It was an interesting read, but the swearing was completely unnecessary! (as it usually is) Also, the title "The Hangman's Daughter" seems odd considering that she isn't the main character in the book. Her story is kind of a side plot. It could have had a much better title that actually had something to do with the main story in the book. The book was a little gory and gross as well, since it was all about the executioner and his family. Definitely not a great read for young readers or those who get grossed out easily! I would not read this again, and I will probably not finish the book either. Although, I am almost at the end, I don't think it is worth finishing.